CDS 101 Overview


CDS Background



§         Q: What is Clinical Decision Support (CDS)?

§         A: Clinical Decision Support, or CDS

o        CDS is defined as health information technology functionality that builds upon the foundation of an EHR to provide persons involved in care processes with general and person-specific information, intelligently filtered and organized, at appropriate times, to enhance health and health care..1  CDS delivers information highly relevant to the current situation, and presented for the most effective use.2

o       CDS includes: alerts and reminders, clinical guidelines, order sets, patient data reports and dashboards, documentation templates, diagnostic support, reference information delivered, and other tools to support decisions within clinical workflow.



§         Q: What are the goals of CDS?

§         A:

o        Provide the right information, to the right person, in the right format, through the right channel, at the right point in clinical workflow to improve health and healthcare decisions and outcomes.2 This ‘CDS Five Rights’ approach is also a framework for setting up and optimizing CDS interventions to address priority objectives.

o        CDS interventions can:

§         Detect potential safety and quality problems and help prevent them

§         Detect inappropriate utilization of services, medications, and supplies

§         Foster the greater use of evidence-based medicine principles and guidelines

§         Organize, optimize and help operationalize the details of a plan of care

§         Help gather and present data needed to execute this plan

-    Ensure that the best clinical knowledge and recommendations are utilized to improve health management decisions by clinicians and patients 


CDS and Meaningful Use




Types of Decision Support Systems

1.       Diagnostic Decision Support (systems to enhance diagnostic accuracy)

2.       Medication Decision Support (medication alerts, interactions, dosing formulas etc)

3.       Preventive Decision Support (optimal preventive care based on patient factors)

4.       Testing Decision Support (patient specific diagnostic laboratory or radiologic tests)

5.       Management Decision Support (systems providing therapy and management guidance based on patient factors)

6.    Surgical Decision Support



Additional “Decision Support”


 1. Referential Medical Knowledge                                   

 2. Disease Oriented Knowledge Resources  (UpToDate, MDConsult, Dynamed etc)                                   

 3. Medication Oriented Knowledge Resources (epocrates, etc)                                   

 4.  Medical Calculators

 5. Optimal Management, Testing, Therapy  and Prevention:  Guidelines

 6. Optimal Management, Testing, Therapy  and Prevention:  Order Sets




- Meaningful Use and Decision Support (extract from wiki content already posted)

- Core messaging: How do I design CDS?  How do I deploy CDS?   What are categories of CDS? (categorize by need)

- Ambulatory systems - systems with CDS --- already turned on, how to use, what to do with it?

- Key examples

- Testing, i.e., "use cases"; does CDS do what it needs to do

- Links to wiki



- eLearning Academy outline

- subspecialties

- populate with real-world examples, e.g., videos

- who are vendors that match to the types of decision support